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I'm a freelancer, am I eligible for a mortgage and how much?

Indeed, getting a mortgage as a self-employed person or freelancer is indeed harder but not impossible, especially with us at your side. To be eligible, you generally need to fulfill the following criteria:

  • Have been active for at least two years.

  • Have a stable income for at least two years.

If you can prove a stable income and decent earnings over these two years or have a clear employment history, then we can help you qualify for a mortgage. The documents required for your mortgage application are as follows:

  • Two most recent tax declarations (“Einkommenssteuererklärung”) – this is the tax declaration you have submitted to the German tax office.

  • Two most recent tax returns (“Einkommenssteuerbescheid”) – you receive these tax returns from the German tax office.

  • Profit & loss account for the last full calendar year (“BWA — Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswertung”) – this evaluation shows your current revenue and must be verified by your accountant.

  • Balance sheets, incl. profit-and-loss calculation for the last two full calendar years (“Gewinn-Verlust-Rechnung”) – you get these from your tax accountant.

Doctors, lawyers, and similar professions that operate normally as self-employed are often treated by mortgage institutions akin to salaried people.

Calculate your mortgage options

Use Hypofriend’s mortgage calculator to calculate your mortgage options in Germany.

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