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Handy Definitions


(Real Estate Property Transfer Tax)

This Property Transfer tax is paid on the transfer of the property. The tax amount will vary depending in which region of Germany the property is purchased. It’s between 3,5% and 6,5% of the purchase price. Only after the tax office has confirmed that the property transfer tax has been paid, will the buyer be entered as the new property owner in the German land registration (Grundbuch).

Bundesland Tax Rate
Baden-Württemberg 5,0 %
Bayern 3,5 %
Berlin 6,0 %
Brandenburg 6,5 %
Bremen 5,0 %
Hamburg 5,5 %
Hessen 6,0 %
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 5,0 %
Niedersachsen 5,0 %
Nordrhein-Westfalen 6,5 %
Rheinland-Pfalz 5,0 %
Saarland 6,5 %
Sachsen 5,5 %
Sachsen-Anhalt 5,0 %
Schleswig-Holstein 6,5 %
Thüringen 6,5 %

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