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What are the additional purchasing costs when buying a real estate in Germany?

The purchase fees or closing costs involved in buying real estate in Germany are among the highest in the world. Do not worry: buying a property can still be very worthwhile, but you must educate yourself on the additional purchasing costs. Keep in mind that the main impact is that you need to stay longer in your home for it to be worth your while.

The purchase fees for property in Germany are as follows:

  • Notary fee: 1.50 % - 2,00 %

  • Property transfer tax: 3,50 % - 6,50 %

  • Real estate commission: 0,00 % - 3,57 %

List 1: Purchase fees for property in Germany

The (maximum) fees depend on the state that you will be buying in:

State Real Estate Tax Real Estate Agent fee Notary costs Total
Baden-Württemberg 5,00% 3,57% 2,00% 10,57%
Bayern 3,50% 3,57% 2,00% 9,07%
Berlin 6,00% 3,57% 2,00% 11,57%
Brandenburg 6,50% 3,57% 2,00% 12,07%
Bremen 5,00% 2,98% 2,00% 9,98%
Hamburg 5,50% 3,18% 2,00% 9,68%
Hessen 6,00% 2,98% 2,00% 10,98%
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 5,00% 3,08% 2,00% 10,08%
Niedersachsen 5,00% 3,57% 2,00% 10,57%
Nordrhein-Westfalen 6,50% 3,57% 2,00% 12,07%
Rheinland-Pfalz 5,00% 3,57% 2,00% 10,57%
Saarland 6,50% 3,57% 2,00% 12,07%
Sachsen 5,50% 3,57% 2,00% 9,07%
Sachsen-Anhalt 5,00% 3,57% 2,00% 10,57%
Schleswig-Holstein 6,50% 3,57% 2,00% 12,07%
Thüringen 6,50% 3,57% 2,00% 12,07%
Table 1: Mortgage fees based on german region

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