How is Hypofriend different from other mortgage brokers?
We are proud that we are helping change the rather untransparent and overly complex German mortgage business. With all due modesty, five things set us apart from other mortgage brokers:
At Hypofriend, our advisors are consultants trained to advise. We have developed our own unique software for both consulting customers and finding the best mortgage offers. Our advisors are not sales agents and do not earn commissions like other brokers. They are full-time employees who are rewarded based on team goals, good reviews, and customer satisfaction.
At the core of our advisory is a holistic financial approach, meaning we look at finances differently than many other brokers. Our advisors are trained to look at the whole picture of a customer's financial situation and provide advice based on the best overall options, not just the lowest rate. That means, for example, that we compare an extra downpayment with other investment alternatives. We look at how long you plan to stay and if you can carry the risk at the end of a fixed interest rate period. All so that you can live a financially sound and secure future. This approach is reflected in our many 5-star reviews and happy new homeowners.
We are the only mortgage broker that has integrated multiple different mortgage platforms that allow us to look for the mortgage offers of virtually every bank in Germany. This means we can be faster and more competitive. Our biggest competitors only operate one platform each in order to pool their volume.
We are independent of any banks or other parties; we are not owned by a bank, insurance, or another fund that uses us for any distribution. We are not beholden to real estate agents who want to get you a mortgage so they can sell the property. This gives us more freedom to focus on one thing, and that is our customers.
We are the most experienced advisors for non-German buyers. We started out in this field and have developed a special expertise in non-standard cases (e.g., anything to do with residency or language requirements by banks). We know all the obstacles expats often face when trying to get a mortgage. We have developed and maintained unique relationships with banks that are off-platform and, therefore, unknown to other brokers. It should go without saying that we offer all of our services and content in English.
We are delighted to have developed a fully digital service that is completely dedicated to the benefit of our customers. We place the highest value on efficient, smooth processes to enable as many people as possible to realize their dream of owning a home in Germany.
At the request of our customers, we have started Pensionfriend and Investfriend to help our customers not just with finding a mortgage but also to help them navigate their other huge financial decision: how best to save, including for their retirement. This can be done through an ETF-based savings plan that is return- and tax-optimized and through government-promoted investment properties. This complements our holistic approach.