- Who is Hypofriend?
- Is Hypofriend's service free?
- How is Hypofriend different from other mortgage brokers?
- Who has access to my data?
- How is my data secured?
- Can I delete my data?
- How can I refer Hypofriend to a friend?
- Who is behind Pensionfriend?
- Who is Pensionfriends' cooperation partner for the pension plan?
- How are my investments protected and what happens if Pensionfriend or the partner companies involved go bankrupt?
- Should I buy or continue renting?
- Is now a good time to buy property for own use?
- What are the additional purchasing costs when buying a real estate in Germany?
- How much can I afford or borrow?
- How can I increase what I can borrow?
- Can I get a credit loan to increase my affordability?
- Can I get a mortgage in Germany without equity?
- I'm a freelancer, am I eligible for a mortgage and how much?
- Should I borrow the maximum amount or should I save some equity?
- What’s the difference between buying for own use and buying to let?
- How do I know if the property valuation is fair?
- Should I get pre-approved for a mortgage?
- Can I get a mortgage for property outside Germany?
- What happens after my mortgage request gets approved?
- How does the KfW subsidy work with my mortgage?
- Can I include modernisation or renovation costs into the mortgage?
- How can I get pre-qualified?
- How is the monthly rate calculated?
- How quickly should I pay off my mortgage?
- What is Loan-to-value and why does my down payment matter?
- How to choose the right fixed interest period?
- Can I use extra repayments to repay my mortgage quicker?
- Are my mortgage payments tax deductible?
- What more should I consider before closing my mortgage?
- What should I know if I expect to sell my house within 10 years?
- What is my SCHUFA score?
- How can I improve my SCHUFA score?
- How does my SCHUFA score affect my mortgage?
- Annuity Loan
- Anschlussfinanzierung
- Bausparvertrag
- Bauträger
- Beleihungsauslauf
- Beleihungswert
- Bereitstellungszinsen
- Sondertilgung
- Forward Darlehen
- Grundbuch
- Grundschuld
- Grundsteuer
- Haushaltsrechnung
- Kaufnebenkosten
- KfW Darlehen
- Laufzeit
- Restschuld
- Maklergebühr
- Monatsrate
- Immobilienfinanzierung
- Notarkosten
- Notar & Beurkundung
- Grunderwerbsteuer
- Selbstauskunft
- Tilgung
- Notwendige Unterlagen
- Volltilgerdarlehen
- Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung
- Zinsbindungsfrist
- Zinszahlungsdarlehen
(Interest Only Loan)
In an interest only loan, only the interest portion is repaid over a fixed period. So the repayments are quite low at the beginning. But, of course, the full amount of the outstanding amount of the loan is still due for repayment at the end of the term. If you take this type of loan for long term mortgage, then it is highly recommended to make sure that you have other savings, such as life insurance, that can cover the outstanding loan at the end of the term. Since the interest payments can be tax deductible for investors, this type of loan is usually of interest to investment buyers. Not a lot of banks in Germany offer an interest only loan and if they do, they often compare it with a Bausparvertrag.
Use Hypofriend’s mortgage calculator to calculate your mortgage options in Germany.
- Annuity Loan
- Anschlussfinanzierung
- Bausparvertrag
- Bauträger
- Beleihungsauslauf
- Beleihungswert
- Bereitstellungszinsen
- Sondertilgung
- Forward Darlehen
- Grundbuch
- Grundschuld
- Grundsteuer
- Haushaltsrechnung
- Kaufnebenkosten
- KfW Darlehen
- Laufzeit
- Restschuld
- Maklergebühr
- Monatsrate
- Immobilienfinanzierung
- Notarkosten
- Notar & Beurkundung
- Grunderwerbsteuer
- Selbstauskunft
- Tilgung
- Notwendige Unterlagen
- Volltilgerdarlehen
- Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung
- Zinsbindungsfrist
- Zinszahlungsdarlehen
- Hypofriend
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- Mortgage Faqs
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- Handy Definitions
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- Zinszahlungsdarlehen