- Who is Hypofriend?
- Is Hypofriend's service free?
- How is Hypofriend different from other mortgage brokers?
- Who has access to my data?
- How is my data secured?
- Can I delete my data?
- How can I refer Hypofriend to a friend?
- Who is behind Pensionfriend?
- Who is Pensionfriends' cooperation partner for the pension plan?
- How are my investments protected and what happens if Pensionfriend or the partner companies involved go bankrupt?
- Does Pensionfriend offer a referral fee?
- Should I buy or continue renting?
- Is now a good time to buy property for own use?
- What are the additional purchasing costs when buying a real estate in Germany?
- How much can I afford or borrow?
- How can I increase what I can borrow?
- Can I get a credit loan to increase my affordability?
- Can I get a mortgage in Germany without equity?
- I'm a freelancer, am I eligible for a mortgage and how much?
- Should I borrow the maximum amount or should I save some equity?
- What’s the difference between buying for own use and buying to let?
- How do I know if the property valuation is fair?
- Should I get pre-approved for a mortgage?
- Can I get a mortgage for property outside Germany?
- What happens after my mortgage request gets approved?
- Mortgage Requirements for Tax Foreigners in Germany
- How does the KfW subsidy work with my mortgage?
- Can I include modernisation or renovation costs into the mortgage?
- How can I get pre-qualified?
- How is the monthly rate calculated?
- How quickly should I pay off my mortgage?
- What is Loan-to-value and why does my down payment matter?
- How to choose the right fixed interest period?
- Can I use extra repayments to repay my mortgage quicker?
- Are my mortgage payments tax-deductible?
- What more should I consider before closing my mortgage?
- What should I know if I expect to sell my house within 10 years?
- What is my SCHUFA score?
- How can I improve my SCHUFA score?
- How does my SCHUFA score affect my mortgage?
- Annuity Loan
- Anschlussfinanzierung
- Bausparvertrag
- Bauträger
- Beleihungsauslauf
- Beleihungswert
- Bereitstellungszinsen
- Sondertilgung
- Forward Darlehen
- Grundbuch
- Grundschuld
- Grundsteuer
- Haushaltsrechnung
- Kaufnebenkosten
- KfW Darlehen
- Laufzeit
- Restschuld
- Maklergebühr
- Monatsrate
- Immobilienfinanzierung
- Notarkosten
- Notar & Beurkundung
- Grunderwerbsteuer
- Selbstauskunft
- Tilgung
- Notwendige Unterlagen
- Volltilgerdarlehen
- Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung
- Zinsbindungsfrist
- Zinszahlungsdarlehen
Handy Definitions
(Land Charge)
The land charge or Grundschuld is a restriction imposed on a particular piece of land to secure the payment of a sum of money. It is entered in the land register to secure the creditor’s claim to repay a debt. In other words, you cannot sell the land without paying the mortgage.
Calculate your mortgage options
Calculate my options
Use Hypofriend’s mortgage calculator to calculate your mortgage options in Germany.
- Annuity Loan
- Anschlussfinanzierung
- Bausparvertrag
- Bauträger
- Beleihungsauslauf
- Beleihungswert
- Bereitstellungszinsen
- Sondertilgung
- Forward Darlehen
- Grundbuch
- Grundschuld
- Grundsteuer
- Haushaltsrechnung
- Kaufnebenkosten
- KfW Darlehen
- Laufzeit
- Restschuld
- Maklergebühr
- Monatsrate
- Immobilienfinanzierung
- Notarkosten
- Notar & Beurkundung
- Grunderwerbsteuer
- Selbstauskunft
- Tilgung
- Notwendige Unterlagen
- Volltilgerdarlehen
- Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung
- Zinsbindungsfrist
- Zinszahlungsdarlehen
- Hypofriend
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- Mortgage Faqs
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- Handy Definitions
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- Grundschuld