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How Real Estate Investors can use Depreciation to maximize their Tax Benefits and Returns in Germany

Depreciation rules were already exceptionally generous in Germany compared to other countries, where depreciation of buildings is rarely possible. Recent measures, including those announced on March 22, 2024, make it even more generous with up to 10% depreciation possible.
Dr. Chris Mulder

Dr. Chris is a former Senior Economist and Manager at the IMF and The World Bank. He is a Hypofriend Co-founder.

Published on Apr 4, 2024 Published on Apr 4, 2024 . Updated 2 days ago


Dr. Chris is a former Senior Economist and Manager at the IMF and The World Bank. He is a Hypofriend Co-founder.

Depreciation in real estate, known in Germany as "Absetzung für Abnutzung" (AfA), is a method by which property investors can reduce their taxable income. These AfA rules for depreciation allow property owners to write off the value of a building over its useful life. Private investors often underestimate this benefit: with recent changes, it can be one of the most important benefits when buying an investment home.